• Prospect Park Minneapolis Slideshow

    Prospect Park – Minneapolis, Minnesota


Monday, May 12, 2025 (hybrid meeting: in-person at located to be announced and on zoom)

This is the day when the PPA members elect half of the Board of Directors every year. See the PPA Board of Directors page for candidate details.

As announced in fall 2021, PPA moved board member elections to May in order to take advantage of the first city-wide neighborhood organization election made available by Neighborhood Community Relations (NCR). Participating in the city-wide election date will bring greater attention to our neighborhood board election, giving more neighbors the opportunity to participate as candidates and voters. The City of Minneapolis will help promote neighborhood organization board member elections held on the city-wide date. 

PAST ANNUAL Meetings and background

In recent years (up to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020) Prospect Park Association's Annual Meeting turned into a celebratory party, called Neighbor-Fest, for the neighborhood. From 2020 through 2023 the meeting was held virtually online with Zoom. The Profile Event Center generously donated space and food for the meeting 2014-2019, providing a great venue for neighbors to meet each other and see what the neighborhood association has accomplished in the last year. Local organizations and businesses tabled at the event in order to spread the word about the services they offered.

In 2015, PPA became the new name of PPERRIA, the oldest running neighborhood organization in Minneapolis. In 2016 PPA moved the date of the annual meeting from April to September to conform to city fiscal funding.

For decades prior to 2016, PPERRIA held its annual meeting the 4th Monday in April, elected a slate of 40 members of its council (which were renamed "board members" when PPERRIA incorporated as a non-profit in 1980), regularly enjoyed attendance over 80 people, and over the years had notable speakers and presentations:

  • Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley, 2019.
  • Mayor R.T. Rybak on the repair of the East River Parkway bridge across Bridal Veil Falls, 2008.
  • Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin on Light Rail Central Corridor Plans, 2009.
  • Neighborhood historian, Peter LaSha, multi-media presentation on residential architecture, 2001.