summer concert SERIES in prospect park 2016
May 10 (Tuesday) - Sing-along with Minnesota Community Sings with Bret Hesla and Mary Preus at Pratt Performance Circle (Amphitheater), 7-8pm. Bring your voice and your enthusiasm — song books will be provided! In the shadow of the “witch’s hat” tower, Bret Hesla and Minnesota Community Sings sing old and new songs that make harmonies rock! A concert for young and old alike!
June 14 (Tuesday) - Open Mic for your kids*
PLUS The Bazillions, kid-friendly music, Pratt Amphitheater 7-8 pm. Enjoy 30 minutes of short performances by many talented neighborhood youth followed by a performance by the Twin Cities band, The Bazillions. The Bazillions bring on the fun!
And while written with kids in mind, the songs can be enjoyed
by everyone. Hearty thanks to this event sponsor, Pratt Council.
*To have your child perform, contact Seth by June 7 at 612-670-4906.
July 12 (Tuesday) - Eisner’s Klezmorim Pratt Amphitheater 7-8 pm Eisner’s Klezmorim, a traditional, old world klezmer ensemble based in Minneapolis, is led by violinist Judith Eisner. The instrumental music of Ashkenazi Jews is known today as “klezmer” music.
Used primarily at weddings, it is at once joyous, haunting, and
deeply introspective. They will offer you a rare opportunity to hear traditional klezmer music, and to dance!
Hearty thanks to this event sponsor, Mary Alice Kopf.
August 9 (Tuesday) - Community Celebration& Concert at Luxton Community Center
6:30-8 pm (Concert 7 pm) Flyer
Come celebrate our community with music, food, and activities. Bad Brass Band returns with their mix of New Orleans Brass
Band jazz and hip-hop soul mixed up with an intense dance beat. Come meet your neighbors! Find out about art, nature and more. Dancing, Food, Children’s activities; face painting, games, bounce house, backpack give away with school supplies. Community resource tables. Luxton Community Center, 112 Williams Ave. SE. Hearty thanks to this event sponsor, Brad Palecek, Edina Realty& Paradigm Course Resource and Copies, Stadium Village.
Want to help make this a grand celebration? Volunteers needed. Contact Lydia McAnerney or 612-581-0868.
Get involved with the Concert Committee! The Prospect Park Summer Concert Committee is a group of volunteers who plan, fundraise and organize small live-music events throughout the summer months. Most of the concerts take place on Tuesdays at Pratt Community Center's Amphitheater (66 SE Malcolm Avenue, near the back of the building). In the past two years a larger concert has been organized in Luxton Park, featuring more bands, food and fun! Rain location: Prospect Park United Methodist Church. Refreshments provided by Luxton Community Center. Donations at concerts encouraged.